In the wide and ever-changing field of web development, PHP is one of the most widely used and adaptable programming languages. PHP has developed, powering a large section of the internet, and with it, the requirement for strong web development frameworks has grown. A PHP web development firm provides developers with an organized framework to improve code organization, smooth the development process, and develop web solutions that are maintainable and scalable. 

PHP tends to be the most advanced programming language, be it frontend or backend. Still thinking about which programming language you should use for web development?

It has to be PHP! 

In this blog, we give you a complete guide to PHP frameworks, including what PHP frameworks are, why you should opt for them, which frameworks are reliable and how to decide which PHP framework is right for you.

What is a PHP Framework?

Developed on the open-source PHP language, a PHP framework provides integrated attributes that enhance the web development process. These attributes play a crucial role in increasing the development speed and improving team performance by reducing the workload of the developers. In the development world, PHP is a foundation for everything from web and software development to computer programming. PHP is a programming language used by developers primarily for creating games, automation services, desktop applications, and so on. 

PHP has been in the field for many years, but it is still quite robust. According to the W3Techs report, PHP is one such coding language that will be used in developing nearly 80% of the websites in 2023. PHP has a wide range of applications and this is where PHP frameworks come in. These frameworks offer pre-built software, guidelines, and platforms for creating your own custom software.

Why to use a PHP Framework?

PHP frameworks can enhance your development process drastically. These enhancements address every aspect of your organization, from productivity to security. Every framework has a distinct focus; a few may be focused only on the development workflow, while others can be focused on scalability. Security is essential in software development, and each of the PHP frameworks provides excellent security. Keeping security intact right from the start of the development process leads to enhanced performance. These frameworks have built-in attributes that protect against popular online vulnerabilities. Hence, PHP frameworks efficiently accelerate the development process as they offer pre-established coding structures and code reusability, which reduces development time and minimizes the chance of errors.

Popular PHP Frameworks

It should be easy to choose which PHP framework is right for you for developing web solutions. Here’s a list of the best PHP frameworks for you to choose based on their benefits and the type of project.

1. Laravel

Laravel is one of the best PHP frameworks that features an expressive and elegant syntax. It is one of the most widely used open-source frameworks worldwide, and it is also B2B ready. Laravel was developed to provide a framework that includes functions like user authentication, as other frameworks like CodeIgniter do not provide this feature. Laravel consists of security mechanisms that prevent Cross-Site Forgery Requests (CSFR) and SQL injection. It also gives you access to tools like Command-Line Interface (CLI) and asset compilers. 

Laravel, as a framework, is relatively new, but it quickly gained popularity because it has a ton of features. As a PHP open source framework, Laravel facilitates the development of state-of-art and reliable applications. It is also called the top PHP frontend framework. Laravel’s comprehensive routing architecture makes it easy for developers to build routes and manage HTTP requests. It provides a cutting-edge template engine that enables programmers to make dynamic websites.

2. Symfony

Symfony is a comprehensive PHP MVC framework that creates microservices, APIs, and web applications. It is regarded as one of the top PHP frameworks by developers. Furthermore, it is the only framework that fully adheres to PHP’s tradition. Symfony’s system is based on a model-view-controller and provides security against forgery, cross-website requests,s and similar attacks. For websites and applications that require scalability similar to that of a PHP API framework, a PHP backend framework is an excellent option. The symphony’s modular design is adaptable and allows you to select the parts you might require for your project.

3. Yii 2

Yii 2 is a PHP MVC web framework that is open-source, object-oriented, and component-based. This framework is component-based and high-performance, enabling the rapid development of large-scale online applications. It reduces the development time significantly as the framework provides a set of tools for guidance. Additionally, it gives you more time to edit your application in accordance with the requests of your clients.

Developing online applications requires careful consideration of security issues. Yii 2 provides developers with strong security features. It uses the security application component features to help you create a more secure application. Yii 2 is quite extensible and takes advantage of cutting-edge, modern technologies. Its adaptability to individual needs and the virtual extensibility of each framework component have made it popular.

4. Slim

Slim is a micro PHP framework that makes it simple and quick to develop web applications and APIs. The framework is quick, straightforward, and easy to use, and it requires very little installation. For developers looking for a lightweight framework for creating web apps and APIs, especially those who want to establish RESTful APIs and services, this is an excellent choice. The framework, which is renowned for its ease of use and simplicity, is primarily used for creating small, highly targeted applications.

Some of the highlighted features of Slim are its simplicity in terms of interface and intuitiveness, which can get developers going right, and its easy and simple concept for its middleware. It also provides a robust routing system that makes it simple for developers to build routes and manage HTTP requests.

5. CodeIgniter

CodeIgniter is available for free. Dynamic websites are primarily created with CodeIgniter. The CodeIgniter framework, which is the most accessible PHP framework, is made to be lightweight, simple to use, and require little installation work. It is intended for programmers who need a simple yet advanced toolkit to create fully complete web applications. CodeIgniter has a simple and intuitive interface, so developers can start quickly with this framework. It also provides multiple coaching sessions that facilitate faster deployment. CodeIgniter also provides assistance with “helper” functions.

6. Laminas

Laminas is a PHP rest API framework that is open-source and covered by the new BSD license. It is based on the idea of code-splitting, which makes it possible to create responsive and modular websites. Because of the framework’s strong MVC architecture, developers may simply build the application in a single day. For those who want to develop excellent online applications, this framework is perfect. 

It makes use of contemporary PHP elements like the well-known template engine, the OSGi profiler, and a unique PHP namespace. By offering a reliable PHP sandbox, Laminas makes it simple for developers to manage the security requirements of their applications. The framework allows you to add components as needed because it has numerous options. Because of its modular nature, you can use or not use the various modules and libraries that are built into the framework when developing your application.

7. PHPixie

PHPixie is a microframework designed to help developers create scalable, safe, and quick online apps. It is designed to be incredibly fast and easy to use. High performance is what the framework strives to provide, even for small applications. With the help of a few key web development tools from PHPixie, you can quickly create a fantastic online application. It provides you with a range of capabilities, like caching, security, template inheritance, and so on, to help you manage your application quickly and efficiently. 

One can quickly construct simple applications with PHPixie. It develops applications with Model, View, and Controller layers using the Model-View-Controller design. Inversion of control, or IoC, is used to handle classes and dependencies in an effective manner. It also offers command line interface (CLI) tools for installing and managing PHPixie applications.

8. Cake PHP

Cake PHP framework is open-source and free. It is one of the most famous PHP frameworks for quick application development. It saves time for developers by enabling them to create apps quickly. Even without any prior development knowledge or experience, non-developers can utilize the framework. It has produced a vast array of extensions that assist with many automated activities, saving the time of developers.

One can achieve better code quality by enabling consistency between various components of the application with the help of Cake PHP. The development process is accelerated significantly because of the rapid application development (RAD) features of the framework. This framework also provides developers with simple and adaptable setup options so they may create the apps they want.

9. Phalcon

An open-source PHP framework called Phalcon is used to create web applications with excellent performance. It is meant to be rapid, safe, and open source. It is an excellent choice for developers who wish to make safe and speedy applications. The framework uses a number of features to enable greater performance and scalability, with a focus on security and flexibility. Moreover, due to its extensive feature set and adaptable options, open-source developers typically employ it. 

Phalcon is a framework that is object oriented and uses dependency injection concept in design. It also develops web applications using the MVC pattern with its three layers namely Model, View and Controller. This framework also facilitates multiple functions like template inheritance.

10. Fuel PHP

Fuel PHP is an open-source PHP web application framework that may be used to build online apps, APIs, and micro services. The hierarchical model view controller (HMVC) architectural pattern serves as the foundation for the framework. It is also made with flexibility, extensibility, and security in mind. This framework is a fantastic choice for developers seeking a safe, scalable, and adaptable platform for building web applications. It is also renowned for having a large set of features and placing a high priority on performance and scalability.

Fuel PHP has an integrated ORM that supports various database systems and streamlines database interactions. It offers tools and frameworks for common web development tasks, including validation of forms and session management. The framework’s security management system offers tools for controlling authorization and user authentication.

How to select the right framework for you?

There are a few considerations you should make while selecting the finest PHP framework for your company or PHP frameworks for website development. Allow us to assist you in learning the same so that, when it comes time to select the PHP frameworks for your company, you can make an informed decision.

  1. Features

Depending on the kind of project you’re working on, choosing the best framework can be challenging. Also, added features will help the framework be used for a wider variety of projects. If your project has specific needs, consider how well the framework’s features fit your specific case of use. Hence, understanding the features of the framework beforehand and then checking if the project in hand can benefit properly from the PHP framework.

2. Maintenance

The frameworks that have been maintained recently will usually be more capable of handling the challenges and requirements of modern web standards. However, keep in mind that using outdated frameworks comes at the expense of security and dependability. You can still use old frameworks that have not been upgraded recently.

3. Popularity

You have to realize that quality and popularity are unrelated. Also, the fact that multiple developers work with the same framework guarantees its stability and active community. These are great points to consider when choosing the frameworks for your projects. When evaluating the PHP frameworks, keep in mind the popularity factor.

4. Sustainability

Sustainability is important since it clarifies whether the framework in use will last over time. Rebuilding a project due to obsolete technology or information in a framework that is no longer in use is the worst thing that can happen to any developer.

5. Technology Support

It is excellent to use a framework that allows for more freedom, but make sure you take into account the quality of support that comes with it. Make sure the framework you select provides technical and software support to prevent obstacles that can stop your development process.


We can conclude that the PHP frameworks are an essential tool for contemporary web development that provides security, scalability, and efficiency. The type of PHP framework to opt for completely depends on the project requirements, and the adoption of best practices guarantees maintainable and high-quality code. PHP frameworks will continue to be essential in determining the direction of web application development as technology advances.

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